Introduction, Chemistry, How It Works, Physiological Effects, Health Risk, Crack Epidemic, Crack on Black Crime, Crack Killed the 80s and 90s, History, Crack in America, References
- Natives of the Andes Mountains
- used plants containing cocaine’s active ingredient for medicinal and recreational purposes for more than 15 Centuries. Incas chewed leaves from the erythroxylon plant to stimulate their productivity and mood.
- Albert Niemann
- First to process cocaine hydrochloride in 1859
- William Halstead First Physician to use cocaine as an anesthetic
- Coca-Cola contained cocaine until 1903 when it was replaced with caffeine.
- In 1910 President William Taft declared that cocaine was a national threat.
- Crack cocaine was first developed during the cocaine boom of the 1970’s and became extremely popular during the 1980’s.
- Mid 1980’s began the start of the “Crack Epidemic”.