The Role of Chemistry in History

The Role of Chemistry in History header image 1


May 11th, 2008 · 9 Comments ·

Introduction | History | Chemical Structure | How it Works | Side Effects | How it Changed History | Terms | References


  • Abramson, S., Korchak, H., Ludewig, R., Edelson, H., Haines, K., Levin, R. I., et al.

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  • Pennisi, E. Building a Better Aspirin. Science, 280(5367), 1191-1192. Retrieved April 15, 2008, from JSTOR.
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  • Volans, G. & Colbridge, M. (2003). Ibuprofen Overdose. International Journal of Clinical Practice, (135), 54-60. Retrieved April 20, 2008, from

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Properties of H2O

May 8th, 2008 · 8 Comments ·



  • Tetrahedral electron-pair geometry gives it its polar, bent molecular geometry
  • Oxygen atom partially negative and both of the hydrogen atoms partially positive
  • Water molecules bond to each other through hydrogen bonding
  • Water in its liquid state constantly forms and breaks hydrogen bonds which gives water its fluid nature
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→ 8 CommentsCategories: Water


May 8th, 2008 · 1 Comment ·

Morphine: An Introduction | Discovery and Synthesis of Morphine | Addiction and Opiate Receptors | | History Affects Morphine: The Hypodermic Needle | History Affects Morphine II: Cultural Antipathy and Anti-Narcotics Law| References



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→ 1 CommentCategories: Morphine


May 8th, 2008 · 7 Comments ·



Water is present in life, even in the driest locations.
Over half of this cactus’ composition is water.

→ 7 CommentsCategories: Water


May 8th, 2008 · Comments Off on References ·

Introduction / DDT molecule / Malaria / World War II

Environmental Problems / Insect Resistance / Begin Using Again?  /  References




Considine, G. (2005) Van Nostrand’s Encyclopedia of Chemistry.  New Jersey: Wiley-Interscience, p. 849.

Couteur, P., & Burreson, J. (2003).  Napoleon’s Buttons.  New York: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Glausiusz, J. (2007). Can a maligned pesticide save lives?.  Discover, 28(11), 34-36.

Harrison, G. (1978).  Mosquitoes, Malaria and Man.  New York: E.P. Dutton.

Harrison, K. (2008, May).  Chemistry, Structures & 3D Molecules. Retrieved May 07, 2008 from

Leary, J., & Fishbein, W., & Salter, L. (1946).  DDT and the Insect Problem.  New York:     McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

Lubick, N. (2007). DDT’s Resurrection.  Environmental Science and Technology, 41(18),    6323-6325.

Malaria Foundation International (1999-2003).  Is DDT still effective and needed in Malaria Control? Retrieved May 07, 2008 from

Milius, S. (1998). Birds’ eggs started to think long before DDT.  Science News, 153(17), 261.

Move against Malaria. (2006).  Nature Medicine, 12(8), 863.

Packard, R. (1997).  Malaria Dreams: Postwar Visions of Health and Development in the Third World.  Medical Anthropology, 17, 279-296.

Pearce, F. (2007). Set free to kill again.  New Scientist, 196(2624), 58-9.

Roberts, D., Laughlin, L., Hsheih, P., & Legters, L. (1997).  DDT, Global Strategies, and a Malaria Control Crisis in South America.  Emerging Infectious Diseases, 3,      295-302.

Russell, E. (1999). The Strange Career of DDT: Experts, Federal Capacity, and Environmentalism in World War II.  Technology and Culture, 40(4), 770-796.

Tren, R., & Bate, Roger. (2001).  Malaria and the DDT Story.  London: The Institute of Economic Affairs.

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May 8th, 2008 · 2 Comments ·


Bergman, C. (1989, July 28). Tobacco’s cloudy image on the silver screen.

Christian Science Monitor, p.19.

Borio, G. (n.d.) The tobacco timeline. Retrieved April 30, 2008, from

DeFord, S. (1997, May 14). Tobacco; The noxious weed that built a nation. The Washington Post, p.19.

Ginn, K. (2001, October 3). It used to be so cool. The Scotsman, p. 2.

Grunberg, N. E. (2007, November 7). A neurological basis for nicotine withdraw. PNAS, 104, 46.

Jackson, D. Z. (1997, July 4). Slavery’s roots in tobacco. Boston Globe, p. A15.h

Lamb, G. M. (2001, February 23). Despite ban, films flaunt cigarettes. Christian Science Monitor, p. 9.

Mancall, P. C. (2004). Tales tobacco told in sixteenth-century Europe. Environmental History, 9(4), 648-678.

NIDA for Teens (n.d). Tobacco. Retrieved April 1, 2008 from

Rifkind, H. (2006, July 29). Smoke it again, sam. The Courier Mail, pp. M08.

Perry, M. (2006, August 18). Understanding nicotine dependence. Practice Nurse, 39-43.


Introduction to Nicotine | A Brief History of Tobacco | Chemical Properties | Addiction | Toxicity | Tobacco and America | Tobacco and the Cinema | References

→ 2 CommentsCategories: Nicotine


May 8th, 2008 · 2 Comments ·

Back to Intro Chemistry of Testosterone Historical Significance

Discovery and Synthesis

The Future of Testosterone

Works Cited

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→ 2 CommentsCategories: Testosterone


May 8th, 2008 · Comments Off on References ·

Introduction, Chemistry, How It Works, Physiological Effects, Health Risk, Crack Epidemic, Crack on Black Crime, Crack Killed the 80s and 90s, History, Crack in America, References


Ashley, Richard (1976). Cocaine: Its History, Uses and Effects. New York, NY: Warner

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custom term paper

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Crack Cocaine and The Rise of Urban Crime Rates. The Review of Economics

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Crack Killed the 80s and 90s

May 8th, 2008 · 1 Comment ·

Introduction, Chemistry, How It Works, Physiological Effects, Health Risk, Crack Epidemic, Crack on Black Crime, Crack Killed the 80s and 90s, History, Crack in America, References

Crack cocaine has significantly shaped history, and especially the 1980’s and 1990’s.

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A study found in The Review of Economics and Statistics, the authors found that by using information provided by 27 different metropolitan areas, that the arrival of crack cocaine led to substantial crime increases in late 1980s and early 1990s.

The number of reported offenses for recorded criminal categories which are murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny theft and auto theft. For each of the seven categories of criminal offenses significant increases were shown to have occurred after the arrival of crack cocaine to those areas.


As you can see from looking at the percentage of change, the rise in crime proved to be overwhelming in these urban areas, “from 1987 through12989, the firearm homicide rate amongst black males age 15 to 19 years of age increased 71 percent to 85.3 deaths per 100,000 populations,” (Fingerhut, 1992) at the same time when teenage fire-arm death were mostly concentrated in metropolitan areas. Many scholars argue that the alarming number of homicides was triggered through crack related violence. “Teenaged dealers started carrying guns to school but no such alliance[s] w[ere] initiated to control the crack epidemic that precipitated the violence”. (Watkins et al, 1998)

Crack proved to be “an unparallel destructive force, undermining safety, stability and health in inner cities.”(Watkins et al. 43) In 1988, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cited Crack use, coupled with the practice of bartering sexual services in exchange for the drug, as a factor in the increase of STD’s (Goldsmith, 1988)

The discovery of crack cocaine is directly responsible for the deterioration of inner cities during the 1980s and 1990s. A studies show, at the same in time in which crack cocaine became noticed in different American cities, devastating proportions of crime, HIV/AIDS, and minority incarcerations followed. In the years following the fall of communism, the ending if the Vietnam war, and domestically, the civil rights movements, and increasing upward mobility amongst minorities, crack cocaine stood as an unmovable road block in the betterment of American people. As cocaine was actively used drug in the United States for over a century before crack was introduced, the less expensive and overly available smoke able form took the inner city by storm.

→ 1 CommentCategories: Cocaine

Crack on Black Crime

May 8th, 2008 · 7 Comments ·

Introduction, Chemistry, How It Works, Physiological Effects, Health Risk, Crack Epidemic, Crack on Black Crime, Crack Killed the 80s and 90s, History, Crack in America, References


Most associations with the Crack cocaine insustry are inner city African Americans youth. This association has proven to be detrimenmtal to the development of African Americans in this country. With limited education, low paying wages, as seen in the diagram many African Americans in inner cities ar confronted with crack use and distribution much more frequent than other races.

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