Intro | Chemistry | Sources | Affects History | History affects | Poor Countries | Undesired Effects | Substitutes | Conclusion
Breeding place for mosquitoes
Malaria is number one killer in many developping countires
Every year hundreds of millions suffer from malaria and 2 to 3 million of them die, mainly in Africa.
Adavantages of Quinine:
Quinine still being used in many developping countries as treatment against malaria
It is accessible and affordable, but not always reliable.
In many countries they have a lot of fake pills.
The quinine molecule has been instrumental in the exploitation of many developping countries.
The bark of the cinchona tree has brought barely any economic benefit to the indigenous people of the Andes.
“Outsiders benefited from the the quinine molecule, exploiting a unique resource of a less developped country for their own advsantage”.
Napoleon’s Buttons: p.348-349.
- Without quinine, most of today’s developping countries would not have been colonized and exploited for so long.
- Finally, despite the existence of quinine and other drugs, malaria still is rife in poor countries.
- There are conditions which facilitate the reproduction of the mosquitoes.
- With such favorable conditions for its development, the parasite develops resitant forms to antimalarial drugs.