Introduction | What is Caffeine: Molecule Structure | Stimulating Science: The Properties of Caffeine | Discovery: The Magical Bean | Coffee Creates a Social Lifestyle in Europe |Colonization and Coffee|Coffee’s Impact on the Nation of Brazil|Coffee Industry Today| Conclusions
The caffeine molecule has had a profound effect on the history of our world. The drug that has beneficial and stimulating properties has been a staple in society over the centuries. Caffeine, in the form of coffee, has continuously impacted social, economical, and political thoughts and actions. From the first uses of coffee in the Arabic world, to the coffeehouses of Europe, to colonization, to the development of countries such as Brazil, to today where the coffee industry is one of the most large and powerful markets in the world – caffeine has never ceased to influence history. Caffeine, and coffee, will continue to effect and shape the future of the world in the centuries to come.